Le Gouverneur de District 2018-19 est nominé.
In accordance with the Rotary International By-Laws, I advise that PAG Patrick Adizua of the Rotary Club of Mandeville, Jamaica is the Nominee for District 7020 Governor 2019-2020 by a vote of the Nominating Committee. In accordance with our District Manual the Nominating Committee comprised the five (5) most recent Past District Governors as follows: Chairman – PDG Felix Stubbs felixstubbs7020@gmail.com Member - PDG Paul Brown paul.brown7020@gmail.com Member - PDG Jeremy Hurst jeremyhurst7020@gmail.com Member - PDG Vance Lewis vancelewis7020@gmail.com Member - PDG Guy Theodore guytheo441@gmail.com The Clubs of District 7020 were invited by my letter dated August 27, 2016 to submit nominations along with a photograph and resume. They were four nominees as follows: PAG Charley Sealy - RC SouthEast Nassau, Bahamas PAG Dominique Bazin - RC Delmas Airport, Haiti PAG Patrick Adizua - RC Mandeville, Jamaica PAG Louis Wever - RC St Maarten MidIsle, St. Maarten