Club of the Month - Rotary District 7020
Le District 7020 est situé dans les Caraïbes , sur deux zones géographiques , et comprend 84 clubs dans 16 iles / 10 pays ou territoires différents. Anguilla, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, St-Martin & St-Barthelemy, Haiti, Jamaique, Sint-Maarten (Hollande), Turks & Caicos, U.S. Virgin Islands.
Le Rotary Club de Petion-Ville est fiere d'avoir gagné le Prix "Club du Mois" du District 7020 pour le mois de Janvier 2017.
Liste des activités realisées par le Club durant cette période:
Activity 1: Rota-Talk #1 : A talk on water and it’s use in Haiti by PP Chantal Pierre-Louis.
Activity 2: District Grant Project: Art Therapy at the Juvenile Prison of Delmas. Activity 3: Visit of DG Haresh and Induction ceremony of 4 new members adding professional diversity to our club. Activity 4: Annual Career fair planning sessions. Activity 5: Rota-Talk #2: A talk on Disaster Relief & Hurricane Matthew by Rotary-Ann Dr. Yolene Surena. Activity 6: Rota-Talk #3 : A talk on Education & the Social and Emotional Development of Children by Rotarian Anne-Kary Perrault. Activity 7: First training of newly inducted members. Activity 8: ROTALPHA: A Literacy Project for adults. Activity 9: Rota-Talks #4 : A talk on the Supreme Court by Marie Neltha Fethiere. Activity 10: Statutory meeting presided by our Rotaract and Interact Presidents. Activity 11: Induction of 4 new members. Activity 12: Second training of newly inducted members. Activity 13: Rota-Talks #6 : A talk on the Minning Ressources in Haiti by Ing. Claude Prepetit. Activity 14: Joint training of Club Members with Rotary Club of Port-au-Prince and Rotary Club of Champ-de- Mars. Activity 15: Celebration of RCPV’s 45th Anniversary & Professional Recognition Awards.